With the help of our professional chefs our guests will make Elarji - a traditional Georgian dish and Churchkhela - a traditional Georgian snack food etc.
Elarji - one of the most delicious Georgian dishes, is made of roughly milled corn flour, gergili and Sulguni cheese.
The guests will cook Gergili until it turns to a thick porridge, and then they will slowly add some corn flour to it. Then after cooking for a while the guests will add Sulguni - a rubbed milky cheese to it and will cook a bit more. Finally, when Elarji is made it has a thick texture and is very elastic. Elarji will be served on wooden plates and the guests will eat this delicious Georgian dish.
Churchkhela - the most delicious candle shaped Georgian snack food is made of hazelnuts or walnuts threaded onto a string, dipped in thickened grape juice or fruit juices and dried.
The guests will boil the grape or fruit juice and gradually will add flour to it. The guests will stir the mixture thoroughly and bring it to boil. When the mix thickens and gets cream-like constituency the guests will insert nuts already threaded onto a string into the mix and by using the wooden spoon they will cover the nuts in it. When all the nuts are well covered, the guests will hang the churchkhelas to dry. Though Churchkelas need time to be dried, the guests can taste it in spot.